
Showing posts from April, 2023

Strategic Challenge

  Adobe's previous model was packaging and shipping products to customers. This model is still around but not for most of the software of digital products on the market today. Offering these same high demand products virtually now, is a convenient, practical, faster, and less expensive to get those products to customers.  Of course, this doesn't just happen. In addition to the complex and intricate strategy that had to be planned and executed, some other modifications had to be made as well. Again, a change in shipping would mean a cost savings to the company but that cost would be shifted elsewhere to support things like server space and increased security measures for housing customers data (including financial or personal information). Adobe had to invest in the infrastructure to house additional data including to manage and store files. Unlike the transportation and logistics aspect of the previous model, Adobe would solely be responsible for this data and security. Other ...

Strategic Management

  Strategic management is the foundation for any firm striving to be successful. As defined in our text, strategic management, “is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.” For Adobe, this was recently more evident than ever with the decision to move to a cloud-based structure. In order to be effective, they needed a solid game plan to move forward with strategic implementation. Separate from the planning phase, implementation is a crucial part of ensuring action taken goes according to plan, and possibly adjusts as necessary in order to achieve the results outlined in the plan. As you can imagine, this stage is not only critically important but also extremely difficult. Coinciding with a relatively newer trend, Adobe has a Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Scott Belsky, that oversees this portion of the business. After a strategy is planned and implemented, evaluation must take...

Adobe Global

   Adobe is a United States based corporation with global reach and ties. Shifting away from the previous standard of packaging and shipping a software product, Adobe has made it easier to provide products, via subscription, to users all across the globe. While The US still makes up the majority of the customer base, just under half of all other users are outside of the US. This indicates Adobe's reach far and wide as a truly global firm. As a multinational corporation, there are almost endless possibilities for ensuring business is being conducted in a positive, legal, and ethical manner but also in way that allows expansion and not only stable but increased revenue. As almost an entirely digital product-offering firm, Adobe has been able to offer products and services to extend beyond borders in an instant. Given the vast number of cultural variation brought up in the text, another important aspect of Adobe not only in terms of leadership but also staff, is diversity. https:...

Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability

Many companies have adopted or at least become more transparent about their intentions to better stewards to individuals or groups of people, the environment, or ethics. Our text highlights that "Ethics Is Good Business" and it's more than just a good idea, it's a great practice. Most people are familiar with companies such as Enron or WorldCom that had significant ethics and legal violations or Exxon which has been responsible for significant environmental disasters. For Enron and WorldCom, their questionable practices lead to further investigation that uncovered serious violations, ultimately leading to their demise. Exxon hasn't quite suffered a similar fate but has seen hits to their stock and large rulings against them financially, although arguably not near enough. Having a proactive approach to preventing issues and even promoting responsible practices is becoming more of the norm as customers and business partners are looking for firms that display good bu...